Lab Gardens

Healing the Amazon Rainforest…challenges, conservation and economics.

Lab Gardens understands that conservation programs in third world environments are very difficult. 75% of the population in the Peruvian jungle lives in extreme poverty and job opportunities are usually with logging or mining companies, or they require families to move into Iquitos and away from their land. It’s hard to ask someone not to cut down a tree if taking that tree means your family can eat. Conservation is a complex issue so you have to provide alternatives and you have to give people agency. We believe Lab Gardens offers both.

In addition to creating an environmentally friendly economy which keeps indigenous communities in their forest home, Lab Gardens also donates annually to Angels of the Amazon. The Angels provide school supplies and educational support to the children of the Tahuayo River communities. They also rebuilt and extended the regions only medical clinic which caters to over 8000 deep jungle families in need of care. Essential equipment and nursing staff were possible through donations organized by hard working director, Dolly Beaver. Lab Gardens is proud to partner with Angels of the Amazon. To find out more or to donate directly:

Lab Gardens also is a proud reforestation partner with TreeSisters. Embedding reforestation into every transaction and inviting you to purchase additional trees at check out. LabGardens and TreeSisters together are reforesting the tropics through feminine nature-based leadership. Read more about TreeSisters and see how you can independently support this amazing organisation.