Posts tagged "antiviral"

Dragon's Blood is an effective all natural way to treat a whole range of stomach and digestive problems. The unique combination of antibacterial, antiviral and anti inflammatory phytocompounds in Dragon's Blood make it effective for immediate as well as chronic conditions including diarrhoea, ulcers and IBS.

Dragon's Blood for Your Sore Throat
Whether the cause is bacterial or viral, Dragon's Blood is an effective treatment for reducing the duration and the symptoms of throat infections. Because it contains an array of naturally occurring phytochemicals that address both the cause and the symptoms of your sore throat, it's more effective than many phamaceuticals containing single isolates.

All Natural Relief for Herpes
Dragon's Blood is used in the amazon for the treatment of oral and genital herpes. Apart from its well documented reputation as an indigenous plant remedy, Dragon's Blood has been proven effective against these viral conditions in the laboratory and...

All Natural Relief for Shingles and Chickenpox
Dragon's Blood shines in the treatment of shingles due to its unique phytochemistry. It address the virus from multiple angles and heals your skin synergistically. Dragon's Blood is a proven neurathenic, soothing inflamed nerve endings. It's also antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic and antiinflammatory so it controls any auxillary infection and contains the viral outbreak while soothing the pain, redness and itching of the rash.